Aching joints. Sluggish workouts. Peeling, blistered, eczema marred skin. Fatigue. Irritability. Stomach Upset.
That’s a fun list isn’t it? Do you have any of those things? I had all of those things before I did the Whole30 for the first time, and now, they are creeping back in. I’ve been on a slow slide away from the über clean, very disciplined regimen of meats, nuts, fruits, and veggies that comprise the whole30.
In part it’s been because sticking to something that counter-cultural with your diet is just dang hard. All the on-the-go things, eating at other peoples’ homes, restaurants, and just the convenience of making something quickly, tend to go against the grain of a very clean eating routine.
(Actually you might grow to love it. Until you don't because there's cake. And chips)
It’s also been partly due to the fact that I love sugar. And salty, crunchy things.
And sometimes life feels like it should be celebrated. A few weeks ago, Kevin and I got away for an exact 26 hours. We ate. We drank. We were merry. In Chelan, we went wine-tasting and decided to order a cheese plate for lunch from the cheese counter in the winery. This was my first encounter with cheese in quite a while, and I was feelin’ the love and I hoped for the best and decided this was “worth it” in the moment.
In retrospect, it actually was worth it, because I sat there and enjoyed such a nice time with my husband and a delicious red with a side of bleu cheese, bourbon-gouda, and goats-milk cheese. However, in the following days I experienced the worst eczema flare up I’ve had in months. With that deep dive back into the dairy pool, I was less careful with hidden dairy in foods over the following couple of weeks, and I’m back to feeling knee pain and toe pain each morning when I get out of bed.
So, with that being said, it’s time for another reset! I’m going to try to do my best to stay whole30/paleo-ish through Christmas and New Years, but I’m really going to set my sights on my total reboot that I’m kicking off on January 2. The kids will be back to school that day, and it will be the perfect day for a fresh start.
Because I had such great results last time with the way my body felt, the way my moods chilled, and the way I ran through my workouts like I had a Red Bull mainline, I’m ready to take another crack at it, and I’m looking for friends to join me!
If you decide you want to do this with me, let me know by commenting on this post, and I’ll add you to a Facebook group where we can ask and answer questions, share tips and recipes, and get a shot of encouragement when we want to throw in the towel because we are so sick of eggs and zucchini noodles. I’ll also share some of my shopping and meal prep tips I learned last time.
It is a big commitment. It’s not easy. It takes planning, and sometimes you might feel robbed because you are in a situation where eating the non Whole30 thing feels like the only right thing to do. But, you can do it! If I can, you can.
So, who is in?