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Love love that u love to read Bc it keeps me moving through my own list to read on to others!!

DeAnn Kruiswyk

I would LOVE to read this, Kristi! It sounds like a great message for us all! :-)


Would love to read this!

Chara Donahue

Looks good! I am always willing to read a book that talks about how we can find freedom from the things that hold us down.

Jeny Lowers

I would love to read this book! I am currently doing my own snort laughing through the Jenn Hatmaker book For the Love. I would like another good one after this.😍


I would love to read this!!! Sounds like it would be a perfect read for me :)


Total bookworm nerd here too! Would love to read this book!

Kimberly beason

Sounds great! Thanks for sharing!


Would love this book! Thanks for sharing! :)


Is it too late to try for the book? I'd love one!!!

Lindsay Pasion

I love your book suggestions Kristi! Always seems like what I need to hear. I think I use that phrase "It's not fair" way too often, but usually in my own head. I'll have to add this one to my list of must reads ;)


Thanks for sharing! I need another good snort-laugh reading session....haven't had one since I read Jen Hatmaker's "For the Love!" 😜😊

Jackie Finkbeiner

Oooh, I'm always looking for something new to read and this sounds excellent!


Sign me up!! I'd like to read this one!

Deb Stennes

I'd love to read this!


This book sounds perfect right now. My kids have been saying this a lot lately and I think my head attitude falls in step with it. My heart knows better not my head is louder! My biggest "it's not fair" is : why does everyone but me get to be home with their kids??? Why does my husband have a terrible, dangerous because they refuse to fix hazards, mind numbing, ego flattering job?

Thanks for the think! Love you and your thoughts!!

Angela Dye

I'd love to read this book- especially if it comes on your recommendation!


I so enjoy your blog posts! I can hear you in all your writing and it always make me smile!!! Miss the little bit of Kristi time I use to get!!!


Sounds like some truth my heart is ready to hear!

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