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I suck at reading lately. I'm always so tired that anything more than fluff is totally unappealing when I have time.
That said, I'm reading Until Then, which is a pre-release. And on my nightstand is Better Together, which is supposed to be about women doing life together. I don't know if I'll find a friend by reading a book, but I've been desperate for a good friend lately and I'm sure this book will just kind of tell me what I already know is true.
I think I have a copy of Interrupted somewhere. I need to find it. ;) I have way to many TBR books.

Kristi Ahrens

Krista, so understandable. You have FOUR kids don't forget! At this point my reading pace has slowed way down from what it once was. I have to intentionally leave my house a wreck, or leave laundry unfolded to carve out even 20 minutes. We are both just knee-deep in parenting and home life, right??
Also I know I could read more if I could get my butt off of social media on the regular. I have good days and weeks where I don't do too much scrolling, commenting, etc, and then I have weeks where I'm so sucked in, and I know my book reading minutes go way down during those times.
The book Better Together sounds good, I love books about women friendship. There are lots of tough things in friendship and I think the older I get the more I realize that friendship is hard to sustain with any level of transparency, because we eventually will rub up against each others' very irritating quirks or sin issues, and then we have to choose if we'll have the hard conversations (which I'm HORRIBLE at, hello non-confrontational, avoider Kristi), or just sort of slowly fade out.
And of course the issue of time! It's hard enough to parent well and maintain a marriage right now, so developing deep friendships is just difficult to get on the calendar. I try but I know I probably let people down with my inconsistency and lack of returned phone calls.
hang in there! Someday we will have much more time to pour into friendships:)

But yes, do try to read Interrupted. It's so good!

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