I’m too old for this.
Listening to country music that is. Today in the car, I had George Strait radio playing on pandora and midway through a Kenny Chesney song on Highway 2 I had tears running down my face.
It seems that the lyrics that I sang along to without more than just a hint of emotion in my teens, all of the sudden are too much too handle.
I think this old age of 32 has allowed me to see and experience trial, love, and loss in my own life and the lives of those around me, to the extent that now the lyrics hit home and I can’t hear them without real stories coming to mind.
Then there’s the issue of song lyrics that all the sudden click now that I’m an adult. The lightbulb has come on, and I finally get what those words mean. Some of the things my 6 year old self was belting out, Lord have mercy.
I had no idea the level of semi-scandalous romantic escapades I was singing about.
Or the political undertones in a song that had absolutely no bearing on my young tender mind, all of the sudden make complete sense.
Alabama- “Daddy was a veteran, a southern Democrat, they oughta get a rich man to vote like that” “The cotton was short and the weeds were tall, but Mr. Roosevelt was gonna save us all”
I literally remember singing this song out loud and I was absolutely clueless as to what a Democrat was or how a rich man might actually vote.
Then there was the uber romantic Mark Wills song that instantly swept me back to high school when I was freshly in love with a dark skinned, Levi-wearing, s10 driving, #17 jersey-decked boy with black hair and mean moves on the wrestling mat and the football field.
I remember being so gosh-darn teenager-status-in-love. Head over heels. Don’t you tell me we are not getting married because we SO ARE. And we actually did, but I know we are the exception rather than the rule.
All of this to say that next time I better be judiciously using the waterproof mascara if I anticipate any walks down 90s country lane during my day. And I better pass out the earplugs to all the kids because you know I’ll be singing along with every song and probably with the windows down.
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